DSE|2023DSE Past Paper已出版 考評局試卷主席分享中英文化科「貼士」
俗稱「Past Paper」的2023年DSE甲類科目《試題專輯》已經出版,參考Past Paper可更了解DSE的評核要求,亦會對應試有幫助。Past Paper輯錄了各科的試題與評卷參考,亦有由試卷主席撰寫的評語,解釋評核準則、作答注意事項和分析考生表現,並提出改善作答表現的建議。考評局亦選取了2023年DSE各科第1至5級的考生答卷作為示例,協助教師與學生了解不同等級的實際表現水平。這些考生表現示例已由10月底起陸續上載至考評局網頁(選擇所需科目→考生表現示例)。
中文卷一(閱讀):閱讀反思 小心審題
• 多讀多寫是提升語文能力的不二法門,考生宜從小學開始培養良好的閱讀習慣,積澱語文知識;又文化為吾人立身處世之本,考生平日學習時要多反思傳統文化的價值。
• 平居用功固然重要,臨場策略亦決定成敗,時間分配務必謹慎。考生作答前須小心審題,力求回應題旨;下筆前應預先組織,以免雜亂無章;說明時宜回應文本,言之有物。
中文卷二(寫作):設定目標 多讀多寫
• 考生在提筆前須先小心分析、考量題目中關鍵概念的意義,全面掌握寫作要求後才構思文章立意,篩選有用材料。
• 把閱讀變成生活中的習慣,針對自己在寫作方面的弱點,設定特定目標,進行針對性的閱讀活動。何謂「弱點」?例如在記敍事件時只能寫出故事的大概,無法呈現細節;在進行論證時無法有效利用所舉例子論證文章的論點等等。在診斷自己的弱點後,再進行針對性閱讀,往往對提升寫作能力有明顯幫助。
• 隨着社交媒體的普及,我們足不出戶便能接觸海量資訊,與別人聯繫······這些海量資訊,往往經過篩選以投我們所好,又或經過濃縮刪節讓我們快速接收,久而久之,我們看似能掌握社會動向和最新資訊,但實際大都是片斷或高度概括的信息。反映在寫作方面,近年不少答卷取材相若,內容粗疏,能對事物作具體刻畫或深度剖析的不多。要想改變這種情況,我們也應改變接收資訊的方式,一篇完整專題報道、一部長篇的經典小說、一本專題讀物,讀後往往會令人對事物有全面深刻的了解。
• 寫作訓練是學習的其中一環,理應設定訓練目標,讓我們知道在該次寫作時應將注意力放在哪些地方,並以此作為評量該次寫作訓練成效的依據······除了操練試題外,其實尚有不少類型的寫作活動可供選擇,包括定期的小段落練筆活動,經典篇章讀後的同題仿作,轉換敍事人物的故事改寫,短文擴寫等等,不必只局限於單一的操練模式。
中文(聆聽及綜合能力):文從字順 詳略得宜
• 「表達」者,既要符合文法,亦需「傳而能達」······較常見考生表達的毛病是文句彆扭,致文氣不暢,如:「香城青年委員會『尋找快樂 關心世界』的主題對大家有好多啟發而且活動很多而且都有意義,一定要參加」,讀者雖可大致明白考生原意,惟文句冗贅,顯然未達文從字順的基本要求。
• 詳略得當亦屬文章組織是否合度的重要準則。個別答卷的引言(首段)內容多於整合拓展,或過渡段文字多於見解論證,均屬詳略失當。
• 總之,提升中文聆聽及綜合能力,不二法門始終在於取法乎上、博采兼收、多讀多寫、多聽多說、精益求益、時時實踐。
English language Paper 1 (Reading):細閱題目 勿亂抄寫
• It is important for candidates to read and understand the instructions carefully, especially with regard to specific requirements such as the use of certain words or phrases from particular paragraphs in the passages. This can be a determining factor in scoring marks for certain questions and neglecting such instructions can lead to a loss of marks.
• Additionally, when candidates are required to lift language from the passages, they should ensure that they spell the words correctly. In cases where a question calls for a longer and more open answer, candidates should be careful not to copy excessively...The danger of copying excessively is that the candidate may fail to demonstrate their understanding of the ideas tested and may lose marks as a result.
English language Paper 2 (Writing): 廣泛閱讀 切忌冗長
Candidates need to demonstrate their writing ability by making their writing appropriate to the particular text type they are asked to write and addressing the topic specified. Writing succinctly and concisely may be conducive to writing a successful text in some tasks. Other tasks may require more in-depth and elaborated arguments with more complex language. It is essential for candidates to read a wide range of authentic texts and text types to become familiar with what is appropriate for particular purposes and audiences.
• Longer responses will not necessarily gain higher marks simply by virtue of length. If writing beyond the word guide, the length should not impede the communicative effectiveness.
English language Paper 3 (Listening and Integrated Skills): 閱讀題目 了解要求
• Candidates should spend the preparation time familiarising themselves with the tasks. With the help of the given instructions/headings/prompts/choices, they may be able to predict the likely development of the texts. They may also predict the vocabulary they will hear in the recording and make guesses about possible answers.
• It is noted that some candidates had difficulty in jotting down complete notes from the listening input and incorporating them with the information in the Data File to create their own work. Before the recording is played, candidates should orient themselves with the overall context of the tasks and read the given headings on the note-taking sheet to help anticipate what kinds of information they will be presented with. They should also spend some time tidying up their notes immediately after the recording to check if they have taken down the correct information while their memory is still fresh.
English language Paper 4 (Speaking): 多加練習 互相討論
• To improve oral skills, candidates should practise both in and outside of the classroom. Candidates should gain more exposure to authentic English and keep themselves up-to-date with current affairs and international issues.
• In Part A, candidates do not need to reach an agreement in their discussion but the group interaction must be relevant to the task assigned. The quality of the interaction that takes place, the contribution that each candidate makes, and how each candidate establishes and maintains a good interaction is critical for scoring well. If candidates want to be part of a successful discussion in Part A, they should show a genuine interest in what others have said and not be tied to their notes.
1. 親臨考評局新蒲崗辦事處
2. 於考評局網上書店訂購
3. 經學校訂購(學校考生適用)
編輯|圖文設計︰Effy Au